Bees are essential to maintaining our diverse flora. But they’re under threat. They need our help.
There are close to 2000 species of native bees in Australia, who, along with the introduced European Honey Bee, are under pressure to survive.
My mission is to educate people about keeping healthy bees, and about the changes everyone can make to help save our bees - before it’s too late.
What’s the problem?
Like humans, bees need a few basics to lead happy, productive lives: shelter, clean food and water.
The problem is, we’re clearing away the trees, earth banks and other vegetation that form their habitat,. to make way for roads, manicured gardens and buildings. We’re poisoning their food and water with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
The Varroa pest, which arrived in Australia in 2022 is one of the biggest threats bees face. It’s complicated, but we have ways to treat it.
We need to rethink what we’re doing - as beepeers and citizens - or we’re facing the collapse of everything we enjoy about the natural environment. And risking major food sources.
What’s the Solution?
If you understand the issues, you can be part of the solution. I conduct talks and education courses for beekeepers at all levels, and bee-curious people everywhere.
If you’re interested in one of my bee courses, click here. Or if you’re looking for an inspiring speaker, send me an email to doug@thebeevangelist.com.au.